Panic attacks... what are they?

Panic attacks... what are they?

Panic attacks can be terrifying. It is estimated that anywhere up to 6 million people in the United States alone experience panic attacks on a regular basis. Most people, however, have just a few panic attacks over their lifetime and the attacks then stop permanently. This is probably because the stressful situation has ended and they have returned to a calm and balanced place in their minds. The people who continue to have attacks are usually those personalities who continue to obsessively brood and ruminate about a past experience, thus keeping themselves in a state of anxiety.   

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The one parenting tactic to avoid at all costs

The one parenting tactic to avoid at all costs

Shame, it seems, has become the parenting strategy of choice when all else fails.

Take the recent case of 13-year-old Izabel Laxamana who committed suicide after her father cut off her hair because she disobeyed him by using social media.

'Was it worth it?' her father reportedly asks while videoing her abasement.

'No', Izabel replies.

'How many times did I warn you?' he asks.

'A lot.' 

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Drugs don't cause addiction

Drugs don't cause addiction

Most people think that the reason why people become addicted to drugs is solely because of the drugs themselves. This, however, is far from the truth, as shown repeatedly by scientific studies on drug addiction.

See this brilliant short animated video that will explain to you why drugs don’t actually cause addiction, changing your view on drugs forever. 

Watch this great YouTube clip and see what you think!

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Is it possible to be your own best friend?

Is it possible to be your own best friend?

"I'm just so angry," said my friend Sarah* after she started writing a daily journal. I had to agree there's a lot to be angry about: refugees, the state of geo-politics, the treatment of women, Donald Trump.

But Sarah's anger is different. "I'm furious at myself for all my failings, all the mistakes I've made, and the opportunities I've missed," she said.  

This was a complete surprise. This is a woman who tops my list of Women Who Have Their S--- Together. It never occurred to me that she might be as insecure and self-critical as me. It was a revelation that well-adjusted grown-ups could also be pointlessly self-destructive.

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9 Phrases smart people never use in conversation

9 Phrases smart people never use in conversation

This is a great article penned by Travis Bradberry Ph.D.


We’ve all said things that people interpreted much differently than we thought they would. These seemingly benign comments lead to the awful feeling that only comes when you’ve planted your foot firmly into your mouth.

Verbal slip-ups often occur because we say things without knowledge of the subtle implications they carry. Understanding these implications requires social awareness—the ability to pick up on the emotions and experiences of other people.

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